Microsoft display dock for lumia 950 and 950 xl
Microsoft display dock for lumia 950 and 950 xl

microsoft display dock for lumia 950 and 950 xl

Not to be outdone, Intel, makers of the processor that powers Microsoft’s Surface Pro tablets, answered the very form factor debate with a radical take on mobile computing: the Intel Compute Stick. Microsoft followed with the launch of the Surface in 2012, a tablet that its makers claim can replace both your laptop and, with the right docking station, your desktop at home. Steve Jobs heralded the next era of personal computing with the launch of the iPad in 2010 in what he called the post-PC revolution. Just what form factor should a personal computer take? In the last five years, we’ve seen the PC industry ask itself that very question, and we’ve also witnessed some novel designs as a result.

Microsoft display dock for lumia 950 and 950 xl